Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I read a book about Persia let me tell you about it. The book wasn't very long, but it had lots of information.

The Persians had lots of battle with Greeks. One Persian King called Xerxes made a long bridge by lining boats from side to side and then tying planks. About ten thousand warriors marched across to attack Athens. The Greeks had heavy armor though. They also used strategy. When the Persians marched across, The Greeks spread out and the broke into two small armies and attacked the sides. Well then, the Greeks won. The Persians fled to there ships and went away.

After all the battles the Persians have been through, { it was about 20 }The Persians only won one. At the end the Persian empire collapsed.

The Persians were a very rich population though. They also rarely ate fish. The only utensil they used for eating was a knife! The disposal for bones were on the ground. And for a knife they also had to bring there own!

The Persians had many Kings. More than half were murdered by trusted servants or friends. Many years later the Persian empire was no more. Alexander the great conquered the land. That was what I learned from the book.

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