Wednesday, November 3, 2010


After a few months of school, school got more interesting even though it was harder than the first few days. I have math, science, geography, and reading.

Every day after recess I have math. I have to run to my class, get my math materials and run to my math class. I am in advanced math so I have to go to a different class to learn math. At math I do daily spiral first then I correct my homework from last night. After correcting the class does math problems from a book. At 11:30 I leave and go to my room for reading.

In reading time The class reads a big book with lots of stories. The company is called Houghton Mifflin. The last story we read a story that was called Boss Of The Plains. That story was about a really useful hat. After we finished that story, we open a practice book and do four pages of work.

On some Fridays I go to the science lab. Last session we were learning about plants and environment. We also got some insects and bugs. For the plants we planted them in a big plastic box, watered did and then sealed it of from the air. but there was still air inside the box so the plants lived. The plants all grew pretty tall. The week after that the science teacher told us to put beetles and isopods inside the box.That sealed of box is actually called a terrarium. Did you no that isopod means equal feet?

AT 1:00 I have geography. In geography, I read a book for about 40 minutes long. In the book there is a bunch of boring stuff about California soil, petroleum oil,blah blah blah blah blah on and on and on about those things. Geography is the most boring thing in school now.

About then we right down our homework and I go home.

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