Monday, November 15, 2010

King Arthur part 3

The roman soldiers all prepared themselves from the Saxon's oncoming attack.The knights dressed in roman armor and waited inside the castle.When the Saxons charged in, there was nobody there.

All of a sudden, a shower of arrows hit the Saxons through the mist. The woman with an army of archers stood upon a tall cliff where the Saxons couldn't see them.Through the mist charged the 8 knights. They slashed and hacked, and before any Saxons could react, the knights rode away.

This time the army shot flaming arrows. The knights rode out again, attacking the Saxons. By then there were no Saxons left.But, that was only a little part of the Saxon army.

The rest of the army,hearing silence all charged into the fortress. They ran straight into the arrows.The arrow army charged and got out their swords.Lots of the army died but the knights charged plus the romans.

At the end, Lancelot and 2 other knights died. I didn't explain the full story so you can watch it yourself

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