Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Laser Quest

On my birthday I'm going to Laser Quest. I invited lots of friends so I could team up on people. Laser Quest has a arcade room in the front. In the arcade room you are supposed to go to the front desk and say a name that you want to be called when they do scores.

Once you are done making a nickname, you will get some kind of orange plastic card with a metal piece. Then go to a door on the side with people crowding around. Someone will open the door and all of you will go into a small room. There, the person will tell you the rules and some tips. He will open the door and you have to rush in. Get in the room and get a suit of armor with a gun. Put the metal part of your card to the gun and wait thirty seconds.

Once your gun is activated, you should already be inside and running. If you are slower, then watch out for the people that stay at the door and wait for people to come. Then team up with any friends you got and get shooting!

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