Monday, August 23, 2010


Amanda is mostly really annoying and really loud. Whenever she gets something she really likes, she laughs. What she does oftenly is make some kind of fake sad face so my mom and dad think that she is sad. But when she can't contain her laughter she hides her face and smiles when none is looking at her.

She has a round face, small nose, double chins, and a chubby body with small hands and feet. My opinion of Amanda is that she is a low intelligenced annoying little sister.

Whenever I touch her she can scream and shout. At stores she usually cries as loud as she possibly can to attract attention which is embarrassing.

And it gets me annoyed when she wins because she looks at me like I'm stupid. Then gleefully, she''d run away. She likes watching Curios George which I don't.

Basically I am an opposite of Amanda, and I like it that way.

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